Is this the most luxurious Moisturiser?

Swissline Cell Shock Review

I have had the pleasure of using the Swissline Cell Shock Luxe Lift Moisturiser before, so when the new Limited Edition jar landed on my doorstep I let out a little squeal of delight. However, at £235 for a 50ml pot, we really need to ask ourselves, is it actually worth it!?

There are many people that believe a Moisturiser isn’t that important. That it’s sole purpose is just to seal in all our serums and good stuff. It’s just there to moisturise. However, now I am getting on a bit, I need every single step of my routine to really work for me. Especially given the fact that I don’t want to be applying 800 layers of skincare to my face every morning and evening. Each product I choose to use, needs to perform. Therefore, I personally am happy to spend a bit more on a Moisturiser if that means that I am getting a more sophisticated formula.

Now there are other moisturisers on the market that are in a similar price bracket (and some even higher, yikes), but what are we really getting for our money? Well that my friends is what I am here to tell you.


So who is Swissline? I personally had never heard of them until I stumbled across their Instagram account just over a year ago now, however they are actually 30 years old!

Swissline is a premium Swiss skincare line. Very much science-focused. In fact, they take the science extremely seriously but simultaneously understand the importance of the experience. We want results. We want efficacy. Yet we also want a sensorial experience with a luxurious feel and Swiss line, I believe, have found the perfect balance.

One of the things that really appeals to me about Swisslines science is their use of skin-identical ingredients. Ingredients our skin understands and therefore utilises. They understand the importance of this. They refer to it as their Swiss DNA which can be found in products across the line. It really is quite revolutionary and having been lucky enough to use some of the products from the line, I can confirm my skin certainly adapts to it well.

What is also interesting to note is their focus on skin barrier protection. Something the brand has been focused on for years and years. Way before the skin barrier became trendy! In fact, it was 1991 when Swissline first launched their Cell Shock range that specifically focused on Skin Barrier health (amongst other things) So we could say they are actually pioneers in the field!

This is an expensive skincare brand, there is no doubt about it, but when you look at everything that goes into each individual product, the premium ingredients, the science, and research, it’s quite easy to see why the price point is what it is.

Cell Shock Luxe-Lift Rich Cream.

Cell Shock Luxe Lift Cream

So let’s get into it. What does this rather luxurious Moisturiser actually do!?

Everything, basically.

We’ve got Botanical-only Growth Factors in here for starters. An ingredient that I have likened to retinol, in that it provides extremely similar results, minus any irritation. In a nutshell, Growth Factor boosts Collagen production improving the density and firmness of the skin. There is only one other brand that I know of providing a similar ingredient, and that’s just as expensive! We are talking cutting-edge science here guys!

Next, we have Cellactel 2 Complex, Cell Shocks signature ingredient which focuses on skin regeneration and building a healthy barrier. Its main goal is to repair essential functions. Skin barrier health right here!

Then we have Marine Collagen & Fibroin which in normal speak is Amino Acids naturally occurring in silk! This is basically an additional boost for our depleting collagen and will also help with moisture levels.

Finally, Collodial Gold! This is going to shield cells from oxidative stress. You all know by now how much oxidative stress contributes to premature aging so this is certainly a welcome addition!

The Cell Shock Moisturiser is without a doubt an incredibly sophisticated formula. We are not paying for marketing or fancy packaging (although have you seen the packaging!?) What we are paying for is the science. A complex formula where every single ingredient has been thoroughly researched and carefully selected to provide an all-around innovative product, with a very luxurious experience, I might add!

My Review.

As I have mentioned at the beginning, I have been lucky enough to use this Moisturiser before. It wasn’t in this quite frankly STUNNING packaging, but it was the same formula. I really enjoyed using it but, I can’t say I was blown away. It was lovely, but for that price point, I expected more.

However, when trialing it the first time, I was also trialing several other products (one that did not agree with my skin) therefore I did wonder if I had actually given the Cell Shock a fair chance! in addition, because it’s just so fancy and expensive, I didn’t use it consistently and on the occasions, I did use it, I used it extremely sparingly! Only the tiniest amount was applied each time.

Fast forward to recently and the lovely team at Swissline sent me a new jar in the most fabulous limited edition packaging. A weighty glass jar in such a beautiful pattern and design. I just looked at it longingly! Every single detail felt luxurious. From the decadent rich texture to the subtle scent, to the little scoop that comes with it for application.

This time I decided to really put it through its paces. I was going to be consistent, and not be so stingy with the amount I used!

A week in, after a generous dollop of daily application, I was in shock. This stuff is quite honestly magical. That magical in fact, that towards the end of the week I no longer bothered to apply foundation because my skin looked that good! Bright, even, plump, and healthy, with this beautiful lit from within incredible glow.

In addition, the whole experience of application from the luxurious texture to the subtle but expensive feeling scent was transportive. It just made me feel good. I literally felt like a million dollars.

My skin was soft to the touch and I was given more compliments in that one week than I have received in a lifetime. The more I use it the more I fall head over heels in love. If I Could Marry the Swissline Cell Shock Luxe Lift moisturiser, I would!

Lesson to be learned here? You could have the best product in the world, but if you are not consistent, you may as well not bother at all!

Whilst the price point is at the high end, this one jar could replace several steps in your skincare routine whilst still giving you the best skin of your life.


So in answer to my question, “Is this the most luxurious moisturiser”? Yes, yes it is.

“Is it worth the £235.00 price point”? Again I am afraid I am going to have to say yes.

I have tried the other well-known moisturisers in a similar price bracket and can honestly say, the Swiss line Cell Shock Moisturiser is by far a superior product. You are getting your money’s worth, and then some.

If you can afford the price tag I can confidently say you will not be disappointed. The Luxe Lift cream is a one-stop shop to fabulous skin.

** This product was gifted by the brand without any obligation to review**

Right, I am off, have a fabulous day you lovely lot!

If you enjoyed this review, I have got plenty more for you to peruse HERE.

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