I have been sat here for quite some time. Poised, ready to create some of my usual content. However, I am finding it really difficult today.
The coronavirus is hitting us hard and looks set to completely change our lives, our country, and our world.
We all feel unsettled, anxious and concerned.
We have absolutely no control over the situation. Something I am personally struggling with as the control freak that I am.
I have had sleepless nights, worrying about everything and everyone. A whole manner of scenarios running through my mind.
It is exhausting.
If you too are struggling with it all I have some pearls of wisdom that may help.
Let’s take back control in an uncertain time.
What we can’t do.
As we have established, we cannot control the situation. We cannot stop people from buying ALL of the toilet roll and pasta. We can’t predict how long this will last. How badly it will affect ourselves, our family or our economy.
We have no idea how we will manage if all the schools close. Will we be able to still go on that holiday we paid for in the summer? Will there be a shortage of food and medicine? What will happen to our jobs? How on earth will we manage to work and home school the children?
We cannot answer these questions.
We are all in despair.
What we can do.
We control our minds, we control our thoughts.
In addition, we can stop letting this worry take over our lives.
We are in control of that.
Maybe this is a wake-up call to us all. To stop taking things for granted. To stop being so wasteful. Similarly, being given some time at home with our families. To learn to appreciate the little things again. Therefore, this is clearly not a positive for the whole world but it could be for your little world, your family.
Once this is over we will have a whole new outlook on life. We can start afresh. Learn from this situation and evolve.
In Conclusion.
I have been wondering for quite some time, how I feel that my consumption is excessive. How my actions are affecting the environment. My wastefulness. The need to keep up with all the latest fashions. Purchase and use all the latest skincare. Only to be tossed aside when something more exciting comes along. My priorities are completely wrong.
How many others will take stock over the coming months, of their own priorities? How many of us will learn to be a bit more frugal with making food last? Only buying what we actually need (as we currently have no choice?) rather than our purchasing habits being so excessive?
There are so many negatives that we could so easily focus on right now.
Let’s stop.
Let’s take back control in an uncertain time.
What positives do you think this will lead to? How are you dealing with it all? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
If you want to stay in touch you can sign up for my newsletter or come say hi on Pinterest.
If you are interested in reading some more on sustainability, I have a great post here.
Until next time x