Peptides – the under-rated anti-aging ingredient.

Niod Cais review

We are all well versed in aging. We expect wrinkles and fine lines to appear and whilst we don’t particularly like it, we expect it. Its just all part of getting older right?

I even expected gravity to start taking a hold. I had prepared myself for the day I would be able to tuck my boobs into my waistband. Again, I didn’t like it, but I knew it was inevitable.

The thing is with gravity, it isn’t just your boobs and ass that are affected!? It’s all of your skin, including your face!?

I found this quite horrifying when looking in the mirror recently. Could I see the beginning of jowls? A lack of definition around my jawline? How absolutely traumatising!

Not only do I have wrinkles to contend with now, but my skin seems to be sliding off of my face.

Well not on my watch! If you too are struggling at the hands of gravity, read on for my ultimate gravity fighting superhero, Peptides.


Peptides are essentially Amino acids. Short-chain Amino acids to be more specific. They are literally the foundations of your face. The brick and mortar if you will. Without peptides, our skin cannot function properly.


Our delicate complexions are an intricately constructed masterpiece.

The construction materials include Amino acids, peptides, proteins and collagen, with our skin being the protective cover.

Without ALL of the construction materials our protective cover will drop, no longer taught and healthy.

Nobody wants a droopy protective cover right?

The Bad News.

As we age, our skin stops producing its own collagen and elastin. In fact, as soon as we hit the age of 25 our collagen production starts to decrease.

In addition, sun exposure, alcohol, and smoking can also be a contributing factor to our diminishing collagen supply.

We are up against it people!

Collagen and elastin are the main components of a youthful, plump complexion. Without them, fine lines and wrinkles will appear more prominent, and the skin will start to sag.

The Good News.

Peptides are a high-tech ingredient that signals your cells to produce more collagen.

They basically give your cells a kick up the backside.

After the age of 40, our cells definitely need a good shove. They are old and tired and have been doing cell-like things for a long time.

They are ready for a break.

So where can I get me some peptides!?


The application of topical peptides plays a crafty little game with your skin.

Fooling your cells into thinking that they have recently lost collagen and therefore, produce more collagen.

How clever is our skin? I find it absolutely mind boggling.

I personally use peptides within my skincare regimen every single day and have found them to be extremely effective.

However, not all peptide serums are made equal. Luckily for you, I have been around the block a few times and have tried many of the offerings.

The absolute clear winner for me has to be Niod Copper Amino Isolate Serum. AKA Cais.


I have a fascination with science in skincare, and Niod happens to be one of my absolute favorite brands. The combination of innovative, cutting-edge science at an accessible price point makes them a winner for me.

However, I need more than science and a rather good price point. I need results.

Cais gives me those results in the bucket load.

This product needs a whole blog post to itself and I do have one incomming, till then, here are the highlights:

  • High concentration of Copper Peptides that target texture, aging, uneven tone and radiance.
  • Tripeptide to support healthy collagen aka, the collagen whisperer
  • An advanced delivery system to get those peptides to our cells.

With a blue, watery consistency that smells a tad like vinegar (which I forgive, due to its potency) I apply immediately after cleansing my face.

Within only a few days I noticed an improvement in texture and after only two weeks of use, I noticed an improvement in the tone and the ‘bounce’ of my skin. A more plump and refined texture.

Cais has amassed a huge amount of 5 star reviews and with good reason. There is, quite simply, nothing else on the market quite like it.

If you too want to get your bounce back, you can purchase yours here:

Do you use peptides in your skincare routine?

For more anti-aging tips and tricks, you may enjoy this.

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